Selling Your Newly Constructed Home - Paris Group Realty, LLC Portland OR
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Selling Your Newly Constructed Home

By: Thomas I. Hall

Key Considerations Before Listing Your New Construction

Are you considering selling your recently constructed home? Before you list, there are several important factors to keep in mind to ensure a smooth and successful sale. From understanding the unique features of your new construction to navigating the market dynamics, here’s what you need to know:

1. Know Your Home

Know your home inside and out. Familiarize yourself with all the features and upgrades of your newly constructed home. Highlight any customizations or premium finishes that set your property apart from others on the market.

2. Understand Your Neighborhood

Research recent sales and listings in your neighborhood to get a sense of the market value. Consider factors such as nearby amenities, school districts, and community developments that may impact your home’s desirability.

3. Work with a Real Estate Agent

Partner with a real estate agent who has experience selling new construction homes. They can help you navigate the selling process, market your property effectively, and negotiate the best possible terms on your behalf.

4. Showcase Your Home

Invest in professional photography and staging to showcase your newly constructed home in the best possible light. Highlight its modern design, energy-efficient features, and any warranties or guarantees that come with the property.

5. Set the (Right) Price

Pricing your newly constructed home correctly is crucial for attracting buyers. Your real estate agent can help you conduct a comparative market analysis to determine a competitive listing price based on current market conditions and recent sales data.

6. Prepare for Showings and Inspections

Keep your home clean, clutter-free, and well-maintained for showings and inspections. Be prepared to provide potential buyers with information about the construction process, warranties, and any documentation related to the property.

7. Be Patient

Selling a newly constructed home may take time, especially in a competitive market. Stay flexible with your pricing and terms, and be patient throughout the process. With the right approach and guidance, you can successfully sell your newly constructed home and move on to your next chapter.

By following these key considerations, you can confidently navigate the process of selling your newly constructed home and achieve a successful sale. For more information or to schedule a free consultation to sell your home, reach out. I would love to help.

Contact Thomas I. Hall at [email protected] or 971-409-5926

He’s here to address all your real estate needs!

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