What are the Benefits of Going Solar?
Unlocking the Power of Solar: Discover the Numerous Benefits of Going Solar and How It Can Transform Your Home and Lifestyle
This week we reached out to SolarCity about being our 5 on Friday spotlight; they sent us in the direction of a wonderful recent blog post, which we are re-posting with permission. More questions about solar? Give us a call!
By SolarCity | Febuary 24, 2016
We get a lot of questions about solar power. That’s why we’ve introduced “The Facts of Light“–a place where you can inquire about all things solar, and we’ll do our best to get you the answers.
Homeowners who choose rooftop solar are, no doubt, aware of its number-one benefit: saving money. They’re reminded of it monthly every time they pay less to power their home.
Fact is, solar from your rooftop costs less than traditional utility power in many areas of the country.
But saving money is just the start. Going solar brings a host of other benefits–ranging from environmental to economic–that anybody can feel good about.
Going solar can help reduce our country’s carbon footprint
According to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, solar could play an important role in helping the country meet the carbon dioxide emissions reduction goal set forth in the Environmental Protection Agency’s proposed Clean Power Plan. The plan calls for power plants to reduce their emissions to 30 percent below 2005 levels by 2030.
Going solar means choosing reliability
Scientists predict the sun will shine for another 5 billion years. Until then, rooftop solar provides a source of energy that’s as reliable as the dawn. The emergence of easy-to-use battery backup systems can offer homeowners and businesses even greater reliability and freedom from grid outages.
Going solar contributes to the country’s energy independence
According to the White House, our country’s move toward energy independence is increasing our energy security, cutting carbon emissions, and enhancing economic growth. A variety of factors are helping drive this move, including the adoption of solar and other renewables. Energy produced on your roof is definitely not energy created by imported fuel.
Going solar may improve your home’s appeal when it’s time to sell
In 2014, we surveyed home buyers and sellers who had participated in a transfer of a solar lease or PPA agreement. About 70 percent of both buyers and sellers said they thought solar panels added to the overall appeal of the home. This complements a 2014 study by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. It concluded that owned solar power systems can add significantly to a home’s value.
Going solar helps create jobs
According to The Solar Foundation’s 2015 National Solar Jobs Census, there are nearly 209,000 solar workers in the United States. Industry employment has increased by 123 percent in the last six years, with 2015 marking the third year in a row that the U.S. solar workforce grew by over 20 percent. In the last year, solar created jobs at a rate 12 times higher than the overall economy.
Going solar puts you on the cutting edge
These are exciting times. According to our 2015 Clean Energy survey, Americans named solar as the most important energy source for the country’s future, and the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) reported that 868,954 U.S. homes and businesses had already gone solar by the third quarter of 2015.* People who choose solar today are still considered early adopters, but expect that to change in the not-too-distant future as solar becomes even more mainstream.
It’s easier to go solar today than ever before. Financing options range from no money down to paying in full. Service agreements often include permitting, installation and repair services.
All you have to do is sit back, save money and enjoy these many benefits.
*Â U.S. Solar Market Insight by Solar Energy Industries Association and GTM Research
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