Galvanized Water Pipes - Paris Group Realty, LLC Portland OR
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Galvanized Water Pipes

Replacing Antiquated Galvanized Water Pipes: A Journey Through a Century of Plumbing

So you’ve all heard about the tax breaks for replacing your energy-munching water heater with a more efficient tankless system, right? (If you haven’t, check this out: ) I decided to follow my advice and replace my antiquated galvanized water pipes.

Galvanized water pipes were used from the turn of the century (I’m talking the turn of the 20th century here) up until well into the 50’s and 60’s. Their expected useful life was 25-30 years.

My house was built in 1908-and I’ve been using the same galvanized water pipes that were installed in 1915. How do I know the date of installation? When we were remodeling the house, we found old permits. Permits (in Portland, in the 20s) were literallyn an index card, with someone’s perfectly scrawled handwriting, describing what they had done to the house, stapled to a wall in the basement. Which is where we found it when we were remodeling.

So, my point? In our planned obsolescence world, can you fathom a system that was supposed to last 30 years working for 65? No seriously! Sixty-five years of showers, toilets, baths, and tea. (Granted, the water pressure wasn’t great, but what did you expect?)

RIP “galvy” (as the plumbers call it). You served way more than your fair share.

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